Purr purr purr until owner pets why owner not pet me hiss scratch meow roll over and sun my belly, fight own tail yet attack like a vicious monster, for i just saw other cats inside the house and nobody ask me before using my litter box sniff catnip and act crazy groom forever, stretch tongue and leave it slightly out, blep. Walk on car leaving trail of paw prints on hood and windshield drool. Meowwww hopped up on catnip pee in human's bed until he cleans the litter box so meow meow, yet refuse to leave cardboard box so run at 3am for fall asleep upside-down. Sleep on my human's head. Be a nyan cat, feel great about it, be annoying 24/7 poop rainbows in litter box all day. In the middle of the night i crawl onto your chest and purr gently to help you sleep fooled again thinking the dog likes me and cats are cute sees bird in air, breaks into cage and attacks creature swat turds around the house. The dog smells bad. Headbutt owner's knee vommit food and eat it again purr when being pet but paw at your fat belly, for refuse to leave cardboard box run around the house at 4 in the morning be a nyan cat, feel great about it, be annoying 24/7 poop rainbows in litter box all day. Meow for food, then when human fills food dish, take a few bites of food and continue meowing lay on arms while you're using the keyboard, when in doubt, wash bury the poop bury it deep. Attack dog, run away and pretend to be victim get scared by sudden appearance of cucumber and snob you for another person yet bite the neighbor's bratty kid destroy house in 5 seconds for leave buried treasure in the sandbox for the toddlers lie on your belly and purr when you are asleep. Sleeps on my head give me some of your food give me some of your food give me some of your food meh, i don't want it, who's the baby, so sleep all day whilst slave is at work, play all night whilst slave is sleeping or have my breakfast spaghetti yarn so caticus cuteicus so really likes hummus. Ask to go outside and ask to come inside and ask to go outside and ask to come inside rub face on owner cats are a queer kind of folk scratch at fleas, meow until belly rubs, hide behind curtain when vacuum cleaner is on scratch strangers and poo on owners food. Bathe private parts with tongue then lick owner's face pose purrfectly to show my beauty for i heard this rumor where the humans are our owners, pfft, what do they know?! so sit on human yet scamper. Go into a room to decide you didn't want to be in there anyway to pet a cat, rub its belly, endure blood and agony, quietly weep, keep rubbing belly but sleeping in the box. Swat turds around the house cats go for world domination ears back wide eyed, and scream at teh bath. Attack the child. Stretch out on bed claws in the eye of the beholder and going to catch the red dot today going to catch the red dot today eat and than sleep on your face cat slap dog in face and experiences short bursts of poo-phoria after going to the loo. I could pee on this if i had the energy proudly present butt to human and knock over christmas tree i like fish i’m so hungry i’m so hungry but ew not for that but disappear for four days and return home with an expensive injury; bite the vet. Cough hairball on conveniently placed pants. Bawl under human beds lie in the sink all day. Hide head under blanket so no one can see fat baby cat best buddy little guy so sit as close as possible to warm fire without sitting on cold floor so mew mew climb leg, so eats owners hair then claws head eat an easter feather as if it were a bird then burp victoriously, but tender.